Forum Discussion

CurtisFamily's avatar
Mar 25, 2014

WHOA! What I surprise!

I have always prided myself with my trailer backing skills. My brother in law used to tell me that I could put the trailer on top of the barn if I needed. Tight spot backing in? No Problem! I've never hesitated backing a trailer in any spot. Then yesterday, I backed my first fifth wheel. WOW! Talk about an ego deflator. How do you do it? I now have a new found appreciation for all you guys towing fifth wheels. How could it be that much different from a bumper pull? Luckily, no one was watching, but I felt sooooo inadequate. I can only imagine how much more frustrated I would have been if I had been holding up traffic or actually had anyone watching me. My father taught me to just follow the trailer, but man I could not get the hang of following the fifth wheel. Any tricks?
  • Pretend it's a boat.. Make you turn of the wheel just a tiny bit before you think you should. Just like driving a boat only backwards. Trust me in no time at all you will be able to put that fifth wheel in a shoe box. They are 40% easier to back up than a bumper trailer.