It's no different from a lot of marketing.
Technically, it is 1/2 ton towable...if you get the maximum rated 1/2 ton with no additional weight and you only take the trailer with no additional weight, you can stay within the ratings. Take a change of underwear...and it gets iffy.
As you can see from responses here, some people happily come up with reasons to exceed the ratings. Some valid...some not so much.
If you choose to stay within the ratings, you have to look at each rating individually and determine that you are within it. If you are over the GVWR, it doesn't matter that you added no weight to the front axle and you are under the rear axle rating. You are still over the GVWR and there are consideration beyond the individual axle rating.
I'll let you decide if you should try to stay within the ratings. If you keep asking, someone will tell you, you can pull anything. If it's a hundred pounds over, I probably wouldn't worry too much. If it's over by a 1000lbs, it's probably pretty questionable.