wfoote wrote:
caberto wrote:
The only legal weight restriction I've seen, heard, or read of in official guides, is the lesser of either the actual rear axle rating or the tires, which is usually the tires, as most 3/4 ton and 1 ton rear truck axles have at least a 10.5K weight rating.
"Legal" weight restrictions are not the only thing to worry about. If you get in an accident with a death, and some eager beaver prosecutor finds your numbers are over specs, you may be facing high level felony criminal charges( read as manslaugher or murder). Admittedly, I am looking at this with a defense attorney's jaded eye, but don't doubt it can happen.
We can theorize that the TV can carry more than its rated capacities, but we need to remember the TV capacities are only as strong as the weakest link. That may be payload, rear GAWR or the tires provided. Run the numbers.
Again, the legal (according to our court system) and common sense aspect reigns here (rear axle actual weight rating and tire rating), but that's digressing to your level of view point. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and you've stated yours. Thanks for your input.
Thing is, it has not been proven that I have seen, read or heard of, where staying under the actual rear axle rating (which is the the legal "specs" you speak of) has been proven to have caused or contributed uncommonly to an accident. If it has, please feel free to provide such evidence (legal or otherwise) so we can all learn from it and be that much wiser. Again, thanks for your input, as this open discussion often exposes opinionated avenues not yet discovered as fact.