The clicky link is to a BC "info sheet" gets posted a lot on RV websites and doesn't have anything to do with BC vehicle weight laws.
Scroll down to the bottom of the bc clicky where it says;
*Information on this Info sheet is subject to
change without notice. In the event of
conflict with this Info Sheet and the Motor
Vehicle Act and Regulations, the
Acts and Regulations shall apply.*
In BC if you would ever be weighed for a overload condition it will go down like this from;
BC Motor Vehicle Act Regulations
Weight scales:
(snipped for length)
(3) ** The gross weight of any tandem axles and the gross weight of any group of axles shall be the sum of the gross axle weights of all the axles comprising the tandem axles or the group of axles, as the case may be.
(4) The gross weight of any vehicle or combination of vehicles shall be the sum of the individual gross axle weights of all the axles of the vehicle or combination of vehicles. **
BC has other gross weight and gross axle codes but there long and serve no purpose other than keeping opinions and theories going. :B