A lot of good info above BUT the thing that has me harnessed to the desk during work hours is the Skype for Business App that is deemed mandatory by my employer. At any point during the day someone can request my immediate attention by IM or see my Skype status such as: Available, Busy, Mobile, Away, etc. Our work phones are also integrated with Skype and we are unable to forward them to our cell phones.
Because of the Skype issue above, I generally travel on weekends and use part of Sunday as a connection test day with Wi-Fi and cell service. Generally stay at KOA or other Wi-Fi facility when I am working during the week. When staying in national or state parks I have also been known to get up in the morning and go the lodge for all day Wi-Fi session.
Of course one of the work arounds to this Skype issue is to set up the laptop in the truck and use my cell phone as a Wi-Fi hotspot and stay connected while I drive, wife acts as my admin.