Forum Discussion

beme663's avatar
May 07, 2015

Would you buy a Silverback Rv again?

I have been shopping for another Rv 5th wheel. Would like info concerning the 2014 Silverback (29RE) 5th wheel? Would like to know what you think and this Rv. What I would like to have is under 34 ft.

Also have looked at a Mesa Ridge (337RLS). About the same as above.
  • Like donn0128, we bought our CC Silverback 10 years ago as well and have been very happy with it, Few issues that either dealer or factory took care of. Very well made. Both CC and Silverback come off same assembly line. Both have many std features. Both are essentially the same BUT the nod goes to CC for having the "more of everything" Just like Chevy and GMC. Both come off same assembly lines, but the edge will always go to GMC for something more than Chevy. CC puts a lot of thought into what goes into their coaches to withstand the riggers of RVing. We've been asked a few times in last couple of years if our coach was new.
  • When I was shopping I was intrigued by the peaked slides. Seemed more homey, but then I noticed the lack of cabinets in those slides. Lots of storage was gone.
  • We shopped every 5th wheel bunk house available and chose to go with the 35QB4. There was nothing close as far as a next option. We would have likely bought a motorhome had the Cedar Creek Silverback not been an option.
    So far so good and unless something goes south drastically, I highly recommend you look at one and we would buy another.
  • I am on my second Silverback and I'm very happy with my 2011 29RL. The only concern would be the Chinese tire they put on them. I had a blow out on the curb side and did about $500 in damage. Otherwise, it is a great 5th wheel. You will love the layout.
  • Currently have the 29RE and it is our second Cedar Creek. Love the finish on both and have had no major problems (knock,knock). The floor plan of the 29RE is perfect for us and we have yet to see anything that we would want to replace it..Good luck.
  • We bought our Silverback in March of 2012 so we are entering our fourth season with it and I'd buy another in a heartbeat.
  • we still love our 2009 time around I would buy a Cedar Creek (now that I can't buy an Excel, and the verdict isn't in on the "new" Mobile Suites...there is a difference between the two CC model lines.
  • We bought a Cedar Creek 10 years ago. Still looks great and has had very few problems, zero warranty repairs. Add outstanding customer service and if I were looking to replace this one, CC is one of two brands I would consider. Just be very careful, CC's tend to be quite pin heavy when loaded with your belongings. You might not have enough truck for a CC fifth wheel!