As far as price goes, we negotiated on a unit without the 2nd AC three weeks ago. We did not actually commit to buying the unit until this week and put $500 down on Wednesday. They sent us the paperwork and a link to the unit on their website with an actual stock number. That unit has a higher base price and a 2nd AC unit in the description. I suspect it is an over site or an effort to dump the one with the 2nd AC unit.
We do a lot of camping in Wisconsin plus a two week trip each year to some far away place. Those trips should increase with the last kid headed to college this fall.
I appreciate the advice given in the thread, lots to consider. I could still have them change the unit but once we send off the paperwork to the bank it will be all but done.
We are planning to sit on it one more day and will likely stick with the 2nd AC unit.