Cindy - My folks did exactly what you're thinking about. They lived in their RV for nearly 10 years and enjoyed it tremendously. A couple of things to consider. Make sure your RV is designed for full time living. Many of the RVs out there are designed for the weekend getaway from time to time. They are not designed for full time use and if you use them for that, the warranties may be voided if they are still in place. Also, systems such as furnaces, converters, AC, etc. will likely fail from time to time.
Personally, I'd give it very serious consideration. If you have high stress, the sooner you can get out, the better. I'm taking early retirement in three months after working a very stressful job myself. I'd considered working several more years, but a few months ago, I got fed up and decided to pull the plug. My stress level is already significanlty lower knowing there is a light at the end of the retirement tunnel.