McZippie, who is the OP supposed to ask about going full-time if not us FT'ers? Granted, there are those of us who decided after a period of time that it's not what we really want. But I am sure those people know that their opinion is important. What I am seeing is, basically, that the OP is about 99.9% certain that she wants to do this. And if it works out, GREAT! Welcome to our world! And if it doesn't, just count it as one of life's adventures that you were fortunate enough to experience. Here's a question to the OP.....which would you regret more? Going FT and discovering that it isn't really for you? Or NOT doing this and wondering for the rest of your life what you missed out on? If you're really scared, try it for a season or so. Sounds like you guys pretty much have an exit plan formed. I, personally, see no reason for you NOT to do this. Also, us FT'ers are pretty laid back and non-judgemental. We really don't care if you are full-timing in a $2000 pop-up or a $2 million Pusher. If you're good people, you'll be welcome!