Forum Discussion

RVcrazy's avatar
Nov 27, 2018

AARP health insurance

We are considering changing our health insurance from Regence Med Advantage to United through AARP. We are FT & spend time in AZ not covered for anything routine on Regence. They are great when there is an accident or medical emergency. They have specialists on the plan. Since United only pays for Dr care that accepts Medicare, we are wondering what experience you have had finding Drs that will take Medicare as you travel. Thanks!
  • My wife and I are both on a United Health Care Plan and have used it while traveling without a problem. When getting a supplementary plan, keep in mind that the coverage for a given plan (we chose the F plan option) is the same no matter what company provides it. So, research and/or get advice on what plan will meet your needs, then get rate quotes from several companies to see who has the best price. AARP United Health Care has very competitive rates, especially in the early years of coverage due to their discount which gradually diminishes. And, they also give a discount for married couple status.

    We have not had any problems with insurance claims or billing issues. But if at a given point I discover that I can get the same coverage at a lower price from another reputable insurance company, I wouldn't hesitate to change

    AARP may be considered liberal, but if you are concerned about social security and medicare benefits, then you need to appreciate their presence even if you don't agree with all of their viewpoints.

    Moderator...if I've gotten too political with this response, please feel free to delete this post. I don't intend my response to be "political".
  • We pay United $20 something a month for prescriptions. Most of ours are free to $4/ mo.
  • Has anyone tried the FMCA health insurance and if so your opinions on that one? I just talked to them and their rates are very competitive.
  • My mother is on Medicare and has a supplemental AARP insurance with United Health Care. Her premiums are $225 a month. Now if you can afford that, that means your premium will be $2,700 a year, and she has the bare bones, it does not cover prescriptions.

    I'm sorry, I'm very soured on United Health Care. I'm my mothers Power of Attorney, and they just suck to deal with.
  • We couldn’t be more pleased with Medicare and United Healthcare (AARP). We paid our own insurance for over twenty years, including many years of over $20k per year with high deductible. It had poor or no coverage of skin cancer, wife’s leukemia meds and weird blood work.

    We have not had anything rejected and have never had any problem finding care. Not one time. I had a bout of pneumonia last summer while out of state with five days in hospital, all covered.

    I need a lobby on my side, liberal or not.

    United has various plans from no cost to about $200/mo. We opted for the better plan, lower deductibles.

    Everbody takes Medicare.