Forum Discussion

deprived's avatar
Jan 03, 2017

Advanced trip planning? Yes or no?

We hit the road full-time last July with almost nothing of a plan. It worked because we stayed away from tourist spots. Also late summer/fall is sort the end of the high season for most campgrounds. We moved about once a week and we rarely, if ever, had trouble getting a space.

Winter will be spent in Austin, Texas while we wait out the cold and make a few bucks before hitting the road again in early April. I imagine every RV in America will be heading out at the same time, which might make non-advanced reservations a little more difficult.

How much advance reservations to most of you do? As RVing becomes more popular, are parks becoming more difficult to get in to? Do you plan every move ahead of time?

Or do you prefer to wing it and press your luck?

It's a tough balance between spontaneity and spending the night in the parking lot of a Flying J.

Thanks and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!