RVUSA wrote:
The Texan wrote:
RVUSA wrote:
PawPaw_n_Gram wrote:
If your income is really low, you will likely get better coverage at a cheaper price.
Unfortunately thats true, and the price of their windfall is everyones loss.
Actually it is not. If you fall below the poverty level, you get NO help, just a fine if you don't get coverage. However, if you earn above the poverty level, up to 400% of that line in the sand, you get all kinds of help, while those that really need the help are left to drown.
You dont have to buy health insurance when you get medicaid and welfare. Below the poverty line folks arent part of the issue.
Have a friend who lives in an east coast state and she is below the poverty level. She does NOT get Medicaid, because she is "able bodied", She does NOT get welfare, because she is employed, yet she has been told that she "must" get medical insurance or pay a fine under the ACA.....