The whole insurance situation is very complex and misunderstood, if understood at all, by most.
For example, very few businesses include business interruption coverage in their coverage. Why? Either they're not offered it, or it's not explained well by the agent. Hence, in case of a loss, it can be devastating.
Same thing with individuals who assume certain things are covered, only to find out that they're not. A simple, low-cost rider could have prevented a financial loss, but again, many insurance agents don't even mention them. Hate to say it, but riders are low-commission items, and they can involve a lot of work when it comes to itemizing and valuing.
If you feel an agent has misguided you, or has failed to offer appropriate coverage, please remember that they almost always carry professional liability insurance (much like a doctor, Realtor, etc.), so don't be concerned about going after them. They, like any other professional, should be held accountable.