Forum Discussion

wannavolunteerF's avatar
Dec 13, 2017

compressor or tire inflator

planning for fulltime in Class A in approximately 1 year. Currently have PU and TT. Should I buy a small compressor or a tire inflator?

Edited to add I am NOT considering a 12V inflator. Only a 120V, as I know the weaknesses of a 12V.

I have had a tire inflator for a number of years to keep the air in truck and trailer inflated correctly. It is dying (smelled burning electrical last two times I used).

I have never used a compressor (except for tire inflation). I know they have lots of uses, but I really don't know if all compressors will do all sorts of thing. I can do some repairs and upgrades, but am restricted by arthritis and a tremor for some issues. I also would rather pay a professional if it is outside my comfort level.

Trying to plan to buy best tool to carry forward into my full time life style. Please give me some pros and cons for the various types and assistance in what to buy next
  • For 12v make sure it clamps direct on the battery only.
    If it has a cigar plug it is weak.
    My MV-50 works fine.
  • I have a very old tire inflator that still works great, except it's very slow. It will eventually pump 120 psi, but it may take all day to finally reach that. I also am on my second air compressor. It also will reach 120 psi, but it is also much bigger, heavier, and requires air compressor hoses and fittings. It inflates much faster, has the ability to use for a lot of other needs.

    Advantages / Disadvantages?

    Power? One is only 12 volt cigarette lighter operated, the other is only 120 volt AC household wiring operated.

    Size? One is much larger than the other.

    Weight? One is DEFINITELY much heavier than the other.

    Speed? One DEFINITELY inflates much, much faster than the other.

    Portability? Both are portable, but the smaller something is, the easier it is to stow.

    Cost? Air compressor / hoses / attachments cost a LOT more than the simple inflator.

    Noise? Well, they both sound like a jet plane at take off. I give them an "equal" there.

    Functionality? The air compressor comes built on with an air compressor tank. It has to be under pressure to work best. But when it's fully under pressure, provides that blast of air. Inflator just pumps air little bits at a time, and pumping, and pumping, and pumping. But it is immediate. There is never a build up of reserve. So, (for example, blowing out your water lines for winterizing, the inflator would never work. You need the compressor). If a tire simply goes flat (with no damage, just low), either will work fine, but one will take longer than the other to do the same job.

    In the end, I think the air compressor is the better choice. But when you consider weight, space, cost, hoses, and attachments, the inflator is definitely the simpler and less costly way go to.
  • Search this Forum for `compressor' and read on to give you some ideas. We carry an `inflator' for our bikes and a `compressor' for everything else.
  • I have this one, and like the ability to change from 120 Volt AC to 12 volt DC. for the power source, but have only used it on pickup tires nothing larger, it may be slow for a large 19.5 to 21.5 tire.