By the time we decided to go full time over six years ago, we had been making extended trips in our 27' no-slide class C for several years, so we knww we could live in a very small space and how little we actually needed. Talking to full timers in campgrounds, we often heard the recommendation not to put anything in storage, as many had regretted spending the storage fees on what had become "a bunch of old stuff". Think very carefully why you are storing things. Our son has been a minimalist for a long time and his opinions were taken seriously. When we came to the point of dealing with a house full of 40 years of accumulation, we came to realize that much of it had to do with past interests and phases of our lives and that we really had no big emotional attachment to most of it anymore. What really surprised us was the effort to just dispose of it! Some family heirlooms went to other family. The rest went to garage and estate sales, lots to charities and some to the dump. We did put some stuff in storage while we ordered a diesel pusher for fulltimimg. Once we had the new coach, what we could not fit/justify in the new coach went to charity. After six years we are still fine tuning what we add and give away.