We mostly use electronic to pay bills and track expenses. In the 8 years we've been fulltime we found that the only ones that are not electronic capable is the medical profession. Dr's, dentists, hospitals, etc., do not (for the most part) do electronic billing. We rarely get ANY mail, so only have it sent about 3 times a year. I pay attention and will call the ins co to see how much I may owe on a medical bill, then contact the provider for an acct number so I can make payment.
When we travel we have a route we plan to go and an idea of where we want to stop. I usually use a paper atlas and the Next Exit paper guide. It's too frustrating to me to try to see what's 80 miles ahead on the smart phone. We have a cheap Tom Tom gps and use it very little. They aren't perfect.
Our contacts are in our phone but we have a little address book for backup.