After selling the house and going fulltime we had to transition several things. Mail delivery was first. We use our son's address and while we are on the road he packages up our mail every couple of weeks and sends it to us. We don't have much because we do everything on-line. When we pay bills on-line we always use our own Verizon MiFi internet connection and not some free connection from a CG for security purposes. We travel approximately 5,000 - 8,000 per year, sometimes visiting as many as 16 states. While on the road I run a Rand RV 7720 GPS plus another regular GPS. The Rand has all the height/width warnings for my size rig. I also keep a current Trucker's Atlas which I consult each evening for the next days route. We keep records of CG's and what we think of them on our I-phones and computers.