There is really a lot of great info here. I pretty much line up with 'hitchup'.
Do all direct deposit of incoming $$ and pay all bills electronically. I use credit cards for everything, mostly to negate the need of carrying much cash and writing lots of checks, but also to get the $$$ rebates (5% right now on fuel with Discover). Pay off the cards at the end of every month.
I have run into a few places that will only accept cash or a check so carry both.
I use Dropbox for pictures. I have a laptop as well as a Tablet (use it mostly for pictures but also nice to have in the truck to use as a 'computer'), I have a Nook and periodically download books from my county library back in Florida.
I pre-plan using MS Streets and Trips. That way I know the exact distance to my next CG. I write out the destination CG's name, phone number and general directions to have with me in the truck. I also take a hard look at Google Maps and use the 'view' feature to take a look at where the CG is and what the entrance looks like.
If in a popular area, I like to call ahead for reservations at least a week in advance.
I have the portable MiFi and also a Wilson Sleek in my truck and their home and office kit in my 5th wheel - Millenicom runs on the Verizon network. I bought an Iphone from Walmart and use their Straight Talk for phone service. This is also on the Verizon network. So far I've had internet connectivity just about everywhere and phone more then 90% of the time. Can set the MiFi or the phone in the Sleek if that's what I need to do. The MiFi does function as a wireless router for up to 10 devices.
I have a Rand atlas and also the Rand trucker's atlas (laminated). I use that to plan because I am height challenged and it shows all the routes that a legal size semi rig can travel on. Laminated so I can use a dry erase marker to plan routes. The 'normal' atlas seems to have more detail and info so I carry both.
I run 2 GPS, 3 if you count my phone, and 4 if you count MS Streets and Trips (I have the little plug-in GPS receiver that turns my laptop into a giant full featured GPS screen). One GPS is the factory OEM unit built into my F350 and the other is a Rand. Crazy huh ? NOT. If they both agree on a route, I'm happy; if not then I need to do some research and resolve the discrepancy. And that has happened several times already. BUT they have BOTH been wrong on a few occasions - hence my written directions and viewing Google Maps the night before. I am a single so I have to have my ducks in a row when I crank the motor in the morning - no co-pilot to do research when I'm rolling down the road and things suddenly don't look right.
I keep a notebook of all my campground stays. As someone stated, it's way easier to open a notebook then to crank up a laptop to view a digital record. I absolutely love all this cool digital stuff but just because it's 'new' does not mean it's always 'better'.
I belong to Good Sams, Escapees, and also Passport America.
I have a PILE of hard copy books - The Next Exit (highly recommended), COE campground directory, National Parks, etc.
* Make sure your truck has a few 110 volt and also 12 volt outlets so you can run 'stuff' and recharge your phone in your truck.
** I'm sending you a PM.