No grand plan here. I will retire and full time in a couple years. I hope to have a little more than the OP when I sell the house. Hopefully no debt. But I will have a good monthly budget to work with. Exit plan is simply to decide where in the U.S. we choose to live, sell the RV stuff and rent an apartment. For me, home ownership stinks. I bought a house in 2010 from a relative for about $25K under market. Great instant equity...not. Now I could barely get what I paid. Strike that, I'm far behind because of all the improvements done (about $20K). When folks talk about appreciating assets, they are speaking of their home. Not everyone will enjoy this "asset". I envy those that own the home outright and can either keep it by renting or just maintaining, or sell and have a pocket load of money for an exit plan. I will be on the budget plan myself.