Forum Discussion

TRAILRIDER125's avatar
Jun 06, 2016

Escapees - would you recommend them?

For those who have experience with How do you like the service? I am thinking about using their mail forwarding service and address, maybe going through them for insurance too. I have no idea which state to choose, but I am leaning toward Florida since if I set in one place for any given time it most likely will be there. any advice?
  • We use the "address" option and mail forwarding with absolutely no problems. We highly recommend them.
  • TechWriter wrote:

    Despite what others have said, Escapees does indeed sell insurance -- see

    However, Escapees is a SD-TX-FL "club". They focus their resources and services in these 3 states.

    Escapees does not sell insurance. It endorses companies throughout the country who specialize in RV insurance.

    It will link you to insurance sites like FMCA does. It doesn't sell insurance.

    These are the endorsed members of which your above link is one of them:

    These are the commercial members:

    There are many companies that support the Escapees RV Club.

    It is not a SD-TX-FL club. It is a RVer club. It is for any part-timer or full-timer. Anyone can join who lives in any state and you don't have to use their mail service. If you want to domicile in SD-TX-FL then it does help you with domiciling there but you certainly don't have to.
  • TRAILRIDER125 wrote:
    For those who have experience with How do you like the service? I am thinking about using their mail forwarding service and address, maybe going through them for insurance too. I have no idea which state to choose, but I am leaning toward Florida since if I set in one place for any given time it most likely will be there. any advice?

    Despite what others have said, Escapees does indeed sell insurance -- see

    However, Escapees is a SD-TX-FL "club". They focus their resources and services in these 3 states.

    If you plan to domicile in one of these three states, then great. However, if you're under 65 and have to purchase your own health insurance, SD and TX are awful domicile choices.
  • We joined Escapees when we started full time, not for the mailservice but for the other benefits. They are the only voice for the RV community and take action when legislation comes up that directly affect us. We enjoy staying at the clubs parks while traveling, your always welcome. They also have annual book of campgrounds that give discounts on camping.
  • We've been members for over 20 years and used their mail forwarding service for 18 years with absolutely no problems.

    They don't sell insurance.

    You'll get out of Escapees what you want to contribute. It's not about only staying at RV parks. It's becoming active in the Club, visiting their own parks, perhaps getting on a wait list to buy into one of their parks, going to their yearly Escapades (rallies), going through their Boot Camp program for newbies, joining one of their subgroups and doing things with them. They have a CARE facility where you can go an recoup after surgery, still live in your RV but have transportation to doctors and a day program. It offers much more.

    I believe the membership is only $40/year right now so it's not like it's really expensive. There's also a wonderful bi-monthly magazine with articles written by RVers and very little advertising.

    We've met many friends through this organization and when traveling kept in touch and would plan for meet-ups. Stay at their own parks during the holidays and it's an awesome family-like experience sharing food and many holiday activities. We'd highly recommend the organization for full-timers.
  • While I don't use their mail service (I'm sure it's very good), I enjoy using SKP co-op parks when traveling. They are usually excellent and a very good value. I'm also thinking about a domicile state (still using WA) and can't decide between TX and SD. Escapees is a great organization, especially for full time RVers.