Thanks Jmtandem~
Lots to chew on. Yes, our plan for the tow vehicle is a diesel. If we can get the RV inexpensively enough, we'd enjoy suiting it to our, table and chairs or dinette etc. I would love a washer and dryer, but only if its stackable. I don't want an all in one unit. And I don't want a second black water tank to deal, I understand, is plenty!!
Thank you for the heads up about the Escapee's forum. I will certainly pay a visit.
Our plan is to experience Canada and Alaska. I was hoping that didn't mean we had to get a particularly more expensive 5th for that purpose, most of our time will be spent chasing good weather. Those 2 places are in the list of places we want to experience, but it seems your saying that even in the late spring, when we'd be visiting and when the av. Low is 38 degrees, we'd still need a 5ft wheel equipt to withstand winter.
You've given me a couple of unknowns to think about. Thank you.