Thank you to everyone for giving me much to think about.
JM~ thanks for clarifying and the heads up about boot camp. I made that assumption based on the word "Arctic." But I'm clear now, you were primarily talking about construction. 8)
Thanks 2gypsies. This was one of the dilemmas. Any opinions out there on which are the best constructed fifths and fifth toy haulers for full timing?im noting those that are driven by all who are responding. 8)
Traveller II, it helps a lot to hear your experience. Our hope was to pay outright for the rv, but If we end up paying more in the long run due to fulltime usage on a 5th not built for that, and ended up with structural challenges, that cost us just as much or more in time money and headache, than we've missed the mark. Welcomed heads up on the air hitch and suspension.