Forum Discussion

Tioga_George's avatar
Nov 23, 2016

Full-time RVing again!

This is my full-timing story:
On February 25, 2003, I bought a 1991 Fleetwood Tioga. It was 27 feet long. I named her MsTioga. She was the only home that I had from that day in 2003 to March 15 2014. I traveled all over the Western United States, a little in Western Canada, and lived fulltime in Mexico for seven years.

Full-timing ended
I would have lived the rest of my life with MsTioga as my home, and full-timing as my life style. But fate and destiny took a hand. On March 15, 2014, while MsTioga and I were on Interstate 5, a bit south of Bakersfield, CA, part of my heart stopped beating and I passed out. We ended up in a field adjacent to the freeway. MsTioga was upright, and I did not suffer injury. But MsTioga would never RV again. And I figured that my RVing days were thru.

Apartment house living
After heart surgery and a two month recovery period, I took up residence in a senior apartment house in La Mesa, CA. And remained a tenant there for over two years.

Jojoba Hills Escapee RV Park
I have two very close friend, Pete Olson, who lives in the Jojoba Hills Escapee RV Park near Temecula, CA. A fantastic place for Senior RVers to live. Pete invited me to camp at Jojoba, and I stayed there for 10-days.

A few days after I arrived at Jojoba, one of the park founders was telling me how Jojoba members function. It’s all volunteer. Before a new person joins Jojoba, they must agree to their volunteer lifestyle.

This founder fellow talked with me about all the neat features of Jojoba life. I was hooked. I filled out their application the very next day. And then I went about buying an RV that I would live in at Jojoba.

Moving to Jojoba
I bought a New 2017 Coachmen RV Apex Ultra-Lite Trailer. 29 feet long. You may view this trailer by clicking here.

Full-timing again!
I moved into my new trailer about a week later and found an RV Park to camp in located in the Town of Apple Valley, CA.

That was when I got it into my head to go tent camping. Turned out that tent camping was a disaster for me. Did not sleep at all that nite. But I still wanted to go camping. So I decided to buy a tiny Scamp trailer. Click here to view Scamp Trailers.

That Scamp decision likely changed the rest of my life!

My new RV life style
This is how things evolved for me as an owner of two trailers. My 29 foot Apex trailer would become my home base. And the little 13 foot Scamp trailer would be my camping trailer. This is sooooo neat!

Now I have a home base for the first time in 30 years! And a fantastic little camping trailer with a shower, a toilet, kitchen with fridge, 2-burner stove, nice kitchen sink. Dining table that converts to a queen bed in about a minute.

Full-timer again!
That’s how things go sometimes. I thought that I was finished RVing and the next thing that I knew, I was a full-timer again!

