Sandia Man wrote:
We just purchased the same antenna we had at home from an online source, used a homemade stand or tripod we purchased, taking less than 10 minutes to have all the same channels we have at home, out of the spotbeam we lost local channels.
I can usually set up my tripod dish in a few minutes, but there are times it can take much longer. The problem is the dish pointing data I get from the receiver.
For instance, using my current zip code, Azimuth= 139, elev = 46. If I use lat/long, I get Az=158 elev= 48. Further, if I go online to the DTV pointer and use zip code, I get 142.7 and 47.3. As you can see, that's a significant difference, and adds a lot of time to aiming the dish. It's not so much the azimuth that's the problem, it's the elevation that is more sensitive.
In the area I'm in now, the zip code on the receiver turned out to be correct.
The beeps are also handy, but they don't always work. I use a swift hitch camera aimed at the tv screen.