Or, you can do as we have for our past 13 years fulltime. Ask a friend or a relative to allow you to use their address as yours. It's a legal address of record (never a question asked). We provide our friend a supply of prepaid priority envelopes {conveniently sent without charge by the PO) and roughly once a month we speak with him and weed out the garbage (70% of it) and he sends on the rest. In the interim, he will alert us to anything that seems important (such as the Publishers Clearing House notification that we've won the 77 gazzilion dollars!).
We send him a lovely X-mas present.
Seriously, it's a win-win-win. We get our mail when and where we want it. We don't pay for unwanted **** and pay no monthly fees for the privilege. We keep in touch with an old friend. What's not to like?