Forum Discussion

m517719's avatar
Aug 23, 2015

Full timing... with kids... Do I dare?

I have never wrote a blog, forum or posted something online before. So please bare with me. I'll try not to make this a "life story" here we go...

I am a 31 year old disabled veteran, with out going into a personal info my wife and I are on a fixed income. We bought a house 4 years ago and came into our mortgage with equity. Through the years we try to be as normal as we can with our situation and we have been blessed with 2 wonderful boys (3 years old and 2 months old) We enjoy camping in our current trailer (32 foot travel trailer bunk house). But recently with local changes we decided to sell our house and buy a new house else where. BUT THEN we got hooked on a cable TV show about people buying an RV and some episodes the couple have kids and decided to sell everything and raise their kids on the road... Sounds like a blast. Being in my position I would love to travel the US and provide the best life possible for my kids. So my wife (shes not all in on the idea but a part of her really wants to do it) loves the idea of home schooling the kids and being able to travel to different historic areas to teach kids the great history this country has...

So to recap, I have a house if I sell I will have equity (to buy a decent Class A Diesel Pusher, attach our family vehicle and just LEAVE start another adventure with my own little family. We have a fixed income so we are able to budget and plan accordingly.

We are already selling all our furniture and almost a majority of the hand me down belongings because the original plan was to buy another house and use the equity money to buy new furniture (except the kids beds and our bed) We currently have a 2015 Augusta Flex 32BHK that has an awesome bunk room for the 3 year old. I know with the motorhome I may not have that same luxury for him (at least I haven't seen one in my researching so far)

So I guess this is where I am, I have options... I would love to pack the family and hit the road and begin an awesome adventure. But this is where you guys come in. WHAT ARE YOUR ADVICES? Is someone out there reading this that did the same thing I am dreaming? do you have advice? Do you know a good place to buy a motorhome? Is this a bad idea I will regret a month into? Any advice will be great!

Thank you!