We've fulltimed for 7 years. Most parks are full of older folks, or people who are working in the area. It would cost money to be able to do things to keep a teenager interested. Please give your son a chance in life. He needs to finish high school & then go on to some type of higher learning. You don't sound like you have a lot of money if you have to live with family as it is. Workcamping will just supplement your income. It won't be a way to make a living. Life is hard, but it's a whole lot harder if a person has no ability to make enough money to enjoy some things. Maybe you should also go back to school so you can earn some money. If you really want to live in a camper. You could always buy one & park it at a mobile home park. We often call ahead to ask if mobile home parks in an area have a camper site for us. It works out. We've seen families living in campers due to home loss, or having a job they have to travel for. It's very difficult for them to continue education for their children. It's a responsibility to give our kids a chance in life. If your son leaves school now he will pretty much be doomed to work for minimum wage & will fulfill your gloomy prediction for him.