I think the teen things to do was answered adequately in your other threads that really don't vary from this one.
As for the teen, you need to enroll him in a local school so he can learn the social skills needed to function in his future life. Home schooling is fine for younger children but a son that lives with grandparents and a divorced/depressed mother needs to socialize daily with those his own age.
You are being very unfair manipulating your son to go along with your dream.
Changing your location won't change your life problems. Change your problems and any location will be available to you.
You are instilling in your son the wrong attitudes. You obviously have a mindset that the world is out to get you and all is hopeless. That is a terrible attitude to impart on your son as his legacy from you. You are setting him up to fail.
We live in the greatest country in the world and ones possibilities for success are endless. With all the new technology, opportunities have never been better for entrepreneurs. You need to get rid of the loser attitude and stop beating your son over the head with it.
Teach him to shine, not whine!