OK That's not a fair assessment Paddywanpeep! My daughter was homeschooled and far outshines the public school educated kids her age and even older! She is self motivated and can converse with children younger and older adults equally well. I had no problem with the 'socialization issue' she kept me busy with her explorations, horsemanship, 4H leadership and toastmasters.
My statement regarding the traveling with a teenager was just mine. The traveling might be an issue but I bet that if this young man is motivated enough he will do fine. No one has the right to on a onetime statement accuse someone of being a failure. We can't make a blanket accusation on this basis. We don't know the total situation or how much time,planning, sweat or tears went into this decision.
As to the moving constantly, that would be their choice, they might be stationary for long periods of time especially if they work camp.
Sheila aka....