Forum Discussion

DMalone's avatar
Aug 02, 2014

Full Timing With Teens

Ya know's clear now that some have utterly missed the actual question and gotten the seriously off the wall impression this was a dire, desperate sort of question when it wasn't.

If you ask a house dweller about full timing in an RV, you'll get one of two likely answers:

I'd love to/wish I could, and
You're crazy!

As it happens, my entire family fall into group 2. I fall into group 1.

Now...being close to a point in time where I will need to pick a direction on residence, I've considered full time RV vs house. I also have a homeschooled 16 y/o.

IF you are a family with teens and you roadschool, and go full time in an RV, please share your suggestions on how you handle some of the typical teenager issues while residing in an RV, and things for them to do.

IF you deal with group 2 sorts and you'e a group 1 sort, please share advice on how you deal/dealt with people who are terrified of risk, change, or living.

IF you don't do either, then I don't need to hear from you because you don't have relatable relevant experience.

My original question regarding "mid life crisis" was not a severe mental issue. It was a nod to making unconventional choices and the reactions of people in group 2 who inevitably think it's nuts ANYWAY.

My original question regarding teens still stands. There are worse things he'll experience in life than spending a couple years living in an RV and seeing the country. I'm not worried about that. I was for a bit but it's been sorted out. I don't need your BS armchair pseudo psych evaluation nor is one warranted just because I make a decision to make my home an RV.

Now..carry on.
  • Rollnhome wrote:
    My opinion is you are thinking of yourself not your son. You never stated your sons age. I think you painted him a pretty bleak picture to manipulate him into your plan. How is going fulltime going to help your son earn a better income or ensure a more stable and productive future? You admit that you have no clue. Don't mean to be hard on you just honest. Good Luck

    I agree with everyone's posts on this. You are being selfish and not thinking of your son.

    I think you mentioned in another post you are living with family. You should be so lucky to have family that have taken you in and love you and your son and care about you. Do not take that for granted.

    How hard is your life really? You just sound like you want to run away and re-live your 20's that you missed out on or something at the expense of your son.

    Appreciate your son and the support of your family and do not do this to him for your own selfish reasons. You can wait to hit the road when he finishes school. In the meantime encourage him to get ready for the workforce, what interests him, so he can make more than minimum wage.
  • I think you did your son a disservice when you used the minimum wage. So, you feel that he will never earn more than minimum? You have no high expectations for him?

    You sound pretty selfish to me, sorry.
  • Full Time RVing is a chosen life style and is not cheap. Where Im at I pay $400/month for just the site, A well maintained Rv park and I have one of the lake view sites. My Rv was payed in full $70k, But if it wasn't it would on been an additional $500/month over 12 YEARS. And most RV parks have high electricity costs, mine is 14 cents per Kw hour with water and other utilities included in Rent. My average electric bill in the summer is around $180/month and in the winter with various types of space heaters, its $100-$150/month for electricity. And I pay $80/month for satellite TV. I pay $60/Month for RV Insurance. And then their is maintenance, I work for McClains RV supercenter which is where I bought My RV so I payed $50k out the door. I Do pre inspections of new RVs and also show people their new RV when they buy it and do the walk through. My dealer works closely with the Camping World that shares the same building and me and other employees get a 20% discount on items at Camping World and other services. And then theirs maintenance, $1,000 Air conditioners and $4k Refrigerators. I get 1 detail and 1 wash a year for my RV, and depending on how it looks I get it washed before I take my Rv on a trip. So Its not a cheap lifestyle at all.
    *******$1200/month for a new Full timer with a similar set up to mine. And that's just RENT, ELECTRICITY, MONTHLY PAYMENTS FOR RV, and INSURANCE. And then theirs the Car(s), food, entertainment, unexpected expenses. You can get a new 2,000 sqft house for that much in my area. So Full-Time RVing is a life style choice, NOT a cheap one.
  • My opinion is you are thinking of yourself not your son. You never stated your sons age. I think you painted him a pretty bleak picture to manipulate him into your plan. How is going fulltime going to help your son earn a better income or ensure a more stable and productive future? You admit that you have no clue. Don't mean to be hard on you just honest. Good Luck
  • I understand this is your dream, but in my opinion-just MY opinion, I would think that it would be in his best interest for you to put this off for the next two years. Then when he is finished with his schooling, be it home schooling or enrolling in a public school, you could go off and live your dreams. We have spent a lot of time traveling and while there are many educational and wonderful experiences out there, I don't see much of a social life for a teen. The exception to that's summer travels, but even then nothing long term. Painting such an ugly picture of life for a 16 year old is not the best, IMHO. Spend the next two years helping him to prepare for a fulfilling and productive life.
  • scaring the teen into is not the way to go just be a parentand properly explain to him we all know you are scared as heck.send me a pm i can give you more info and if needed possibly a teens opinion that is living in a rv fulltime with his dad in the park i manage
  • Forgove my stupidity but, I fail to understand how living the " full time RV dream " is going to change the possiblity of his future income? Sorry, kinda confused.

    Also, you painted a picture of a bed of roses for him. RV ownership and traveling is not all Mai Tai's and yahtzee. It is constant maintenance and work. It is definitely not a
    " cheap " lifestyle by any means.

    I am not trying to be negative, just realistic. Since you have made your decision, I hope for both of your sakes you have some sort of backup plan in the works, and get a rig with a full warranty, unless you are mechanically inclined.

    Best of luck.