There is a Travelers Guide to Carrying in the 50 States book. Think there might be an app too. Laws vary so much, especially if you consider your RV/ 5'r " home "
We are pretty lucky in Az since our CCW's have reciprocity in quite a few States.
Have to be VERY careful in all the west coast and east coast states, and in Illinois.
I plan on having bear spray, wasp spray, and a stun gun for the areas my CCW is not valid. Of course, have to have a pistol with a barrel over 4 1/2" to be legal in Canada for their paperwork. I also believe, last time I checked a shotgun or rifle can be brought to and through Canada.
We are hoping seperating ammo, magazines and weapons, in a safe in the coach will be ok. Still have a lot of research to do in the next year!
Good luck