I’ve shared here before that I am a Vietnam combat vet and I lost my eyesight during the Vietnam war, went thru a dozen eye surgeries, over a 5-year period, to get my eyesight back. Today my eyes are held together with artificial implants, a band around my eyeballs to keep the retina in place and very small silicone sacks in my eyes that relieves the glaucoma pressure. A hit in my face around my eyes could cause me to lose my eyesight forever; this leaves me very cautious, even when I hike, because that hit in the face can come from a fall as well as anything else. When I was blind I learned that while you may look at things with your eyes you will only see them with your awareness, and when I was blind I saw things which I failed to see when I had 20/20 vision. Being aware, and having the awareness, of our surroundings is crucial.