I don’t want to prolong this discussion because I’ve learned a lot from those who have shared their thoughts, and we have covered just about every angle of this subject, but what I’m about to say may be a contradiction to everything else that I’ve already said here, nonetheless, I will say it.
I am a strong believer that nothing happens that is not suppose to happen. I was a combat medic during the Vietnam War and saw lots of people die, some were shot multiple times with a high caliber weapon, piercing vital organs, etc., and they still lived while others may have been shot once with a small caliber weapon and they died. I came to the conclusion a long time ago that no one dies until it is their time to die.
So having said this why do I carry a gun? I openly admit that having a firearm is part of my own insecurity. We live in a dangerous world and the U.S. is not exempt from that danger. From a larger picture I do not believe in luck or chance but I do believe in a divine power that has its’ hand in everything. For me, death is not a horrible thing, and I realize that every person has their own feelings about this. I‘m in my late 60’s and consider everyday a gift because I never expected to reach age-30. As I’ve already shared; I lost my eyesight and was totally blind for about 5-years; that was a death-like experience for me.
Debates about legislation aside; I support those who want to own and carry a gun and I also support those who do not want to own or carry a gun. This topic does not have to be black and white, it does not have to be either or. Each person speaks for themselves and not for others. And I am grateful for those who have spoken here; there has been a lot of excellent information from all sides shared here and I appreciate all of you for sharing it. Now it’s time for me to give this topic a rest. Thank you for participating.
A peaceful, safe, and good journey, to everyone.:)