I wasn't going to reply until CKNSLS wrote about all of his miles with no worries at all. Glad it worked out for you. I decided to carry while on the road when we stopped at an obscure nat park in San Bernadino Mts. southeast of L.A. We got there after dark, were the only rig there and not so much as a light bulb for a hundred miles. (The night sky was incredible!) Woke up the next morning and had a scuzzy looking biker sleeping on the picnic table a few spots from us, and a van load of hippies across from him. At that point I realized I didn't have so much as a baseball bat to defend myself and my wife with. Were they dangerous? No clue. Probably fine people; I didn't know one way or the other, but chose to err on the side of caution.
On a trip from Grand Canyon to ElPaso, we stopped at the only CG we had seen for the last 4 hours. Parked in the first spot facing the bathroom door and between us was a group of 8 HIGHLY intoxicated men. I escorted my wife back and forth from the bath house to the pup with a 38 in my pocket. Don't know your experiences in all those miles CNKSLS, but these were enough for me.
BTW, thanks to Larry and all the other Vets who sacrificed and continue to sacrifice so much so that I may carry a weapon.