As a former law enforcement officer, and Criminal Justice professor, it sounds to me like that little group of officers overreacted. Unfortunately, California is one of those states where the liberal politicians and liberal judges impose their will, and the cops tag along. (I used to live there.) I'm now a Texan, and will NEVER RV in California, primarily because I would not feel safe there from the "State"... In most states, county prosecutors have a huge influence on what you will be charged with, if charged. So, travel in the states where you expect to find officials with the most common sense. I do have a concealed carry permit, but hardly ever carry as I understand the enormous liability associated with it. Research all you can regarding the weapons laws for the states you plan to travel in, then, in my opinion, travel where people have some common sense, and keep weapons out of sight, and only use to save life when there is no alternative.