Thanks for the intervention Dianne. USMC46 aka Jim, I was also a college professor, used to teach law enforcement recruits in Colorado drug recognition techniques, or how to recognize drug use, which does not necessarily show up on an alcohol breath test. Further, my brother is a retired Seattle Police Sergeant.
I agree that those officers over-reacted, and as I stated earlier 3 of the 5 officers were going thru California Park Law Enforcement training, as was told to me months later when I met one of the officers while camping at another State park.
I like California and this one incident does not make California distasteful to me. I have lots of perks in California which I could not get in many other states. California has 33-military bases, more than any other state, and as a retired army person who is now full-time RVing I use the Famcamps. I get my medical, dental, and eye care from the VA and from military base health facilities.
I am also a disabled veteran which allows me to camp at California State Parks for free; and California has more than 200-State parks in a variety of landscapes, i.e. near the ocean, in the Mojave desert, the wine valleys, among the biggest in the world redwood trees, or in the high Serria mountains, all in one State. I can camp for 30-days per year free at each state park, and that includes free RV hookups, water, electricity, and sewer when available at a given park.
I pay absolutely no taxes in California, except retail taxes, which I can avoid when I shop on military bases. I get low cost gas on military bases using the Military Star Card, and because of my disability I pay no property taxes on my house, which I have just put on the market for sale.
I am originally from New York, but after traveling a lot in the military, Germany, Japan, Vietnam, etc., and all over the U.S., I like the cultural diversity of California and will probably continue to use it as my address-of-record even after my house is sold. As they say; “different strokes for different folks,” or “we sometimes dance to the beat of a different drummer.”:)