Once again this is a loaded question, and this is only my feelings.
Your statement of going a few hundred miles and exploring for a week. That's what we did with ours and it worked out well. MH loved being used weekly, the tow car with a GPS (when unhook set as "home" on GPS) was a joy to have while exploring. With a good tow bar I could hook and unhook on any non level surface in a couple of minutes and be off and running.
When we would get to a campground I would unhook the car and we would drive the park to scope it, and the sites out. Wife would then drive the tow car while following me in the MH to the site that WE picked out.
Now with a truck 5'ver you have to deal with leveling boards (guessing the size you're thinking it won't have legs.) Then you have to unhook the truck, and level the front losing the height to hook back up (again guessing the size you're thinking will not have a computer height adjustment.) Don't forget to drop the tail gate before driving away, same with the breakaway line, and cord. When you hook up don't forget to test if you're snapped in or not before taking off. Doesn't happen often but I've seen two rigs that came off the hitch in the last 10 years.
I find myself now with the 5'ver looking for nice level paved pull thru sites and not unhooking unless I really have too. From what I can tell from talking to others 5'vers most drive non stop to their ultimate destination and never unhook to explore things like that little BBQ joint they were told was so good. As they say YMMV