My father was full timing with my step mother. He had been full timing for a number of years, but then was diagnosed with Alzheimers and later on, dementia. He got in a small fender bender at the gas station with his 5er, and at that point, my step mother did the right thing, and they got off the road. They were staying in the 5er, in Arizona for a while, but it got too much, and they moved in with me.
Point here is, as a few folks point out, you need to have a conversation with your doctor. Based on my experience (limited to my fathers experience), every situation is different, and every individual is affected differently, at different times. You definitely need to make plans now, while you have your full mental capacity, for not only the extraction plan (getting off the road), but update your will, get your Advanced Health Care Directive, and get your affairs in order overall.
Im sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I am totally in agreement with you... take advantage of the time you have. Just learn (from your doctor), how the disease progresses, and what clues you and your spouse need to look for, that might signify a change.