When we had my mom (mild dementia, age in her 90's)living with us, we drove the class B with her seat-belted in the back. She had pillows, a bottle of water, her puzzle books, etc. She had been instructed to never take her off her seatbelt. Then one time we were traveling I-5 @ 55mph and looked in the rear-view mirror to see Mom out of her seatbelt and toddling up the center aisle to the bathroom! Talk about crossing our fingers and praying! She made it to her destination and back! That generation has been strong and independent all their lives and darned if they are going to have a "kid" telling them what they are allowed to do. We didn't travel too much after that, but if we did, I rode back there with Mom. She never, ever complained about the accommodations. I swear, those depression-era kids would sleep on a picket fence! Miss her.