Forum Discussion

jareddustin's avatar
Oct 26, 2014

getting your mail while moving around

i have been the mailing industry for about 6 years now, i do some mail management systems for a few business and thought i might be able to help out some RV guys.
what do you guys do about your mail now? use temp mail forwarding or a family member?

something I do for a business right now that has employees spread across is the US is that all of their mail gets sent to me, i have a PO Box at the post office i go to everyday for all of my business mailings. they have asked me to open all of their mail, scan it and send it to them, depending on the mail i archive and store it for them, shred it, or send the actual mail piece to the correct person.

I could easily set up a similar system, my first thoughts were to have your mail forwarded to a PO BOX, or even set your mailing address up to the PO BOX if you wished. i could open and scan everything and send them to you in an email or a secure connection with my companies web site. then dispose of or save the mail based on your preference. or another option would be to let me know where you are camping and i can send your accumulated mail to you.

i wanted to ask you guys if this has been an issue at all and if there is a need for something like this.
thank you for your time

Jared Drinville
  • You don't need a mail forwarding service for Amazon or EBay. Just use the address of the RV park you know you'll be at when an order would arrive. While we use Escapee's for our permanent address, shipping orders directly to parks has worked well thus far.
  • :B I'd rather not be found :p

    Darn, I just realized I couldn't get my Amazon & Ebay purchases :S
  • There are several services in different states -- google mail forwarding service and you'll get an idea how many there already are.
  • jareddustin wrote:
    they have asked me to open all of their mail, scan it and send it to them, depending on the mail i archive and store it for them, shred it, or send the actual mail piece to the correct person.

    That's pretty cool. What are some of the services people use currently which SCAN your mail and store it on a secure server for online review?
  • darsben wrote:
    there are services like you propose already.

    thank you...i thought there would be. was just an idea that would be really easy to do.
  • My daughter and I share the same address. She sorts my mail and forwards whats important to the RV Park where I am staying when I ask for it. Real important mail, she will scan and email.
    I wish everyone had it this easy.