We called up family......claim it/get it otherwise it is GONE
We called up Friends...claim it/get it otherwise it is GONE
Estate Auction.
Crew of 4 came out and made up 'LOTS' for auction day. Took them 4 days
Auctioneer advertised for 2 weeks.....time/place
9am---4pm auctioned off EVERYTHING
5pm empty house, nothing left----auctioneer tallied up total (computerized sales--they handled ALL transactions).
Cut me a check for my 75%
$$$$$ in our pocket and we didn't have to lift a finger
We just sat back and ENJOYED the show.
Some 'lots' went for less then we hoped.......manny of the 'lots' went for WAY more then we ever expected.
Person at auction made offer on house........45 day escrow and we were GONE
(yard sales didn't work either........8 miles out of town then 1 mile off paved road to our place. Neighbor tried a yard sale...we and other neighbors only ones that came.)
Our Estate Auction ---130 people all vying for our stuff :B