I've got 3 youngins; two who are in their 30s are married and 4 GKs ranging in age from 8 months to 5 yrs. Thankfully, everyone lives in the same town. As a working FTer, I spent the better part of 5 months over the winter in two nearby campgrounds while I worked. I shared much time, joy and many meals with all during the weekends at either their place or mine. I grocery shopped, cooked, cleaned, babysat, changed diapers, washed clothes, gave baths, entertained and refereed battles. I couldn't work on Fridays as I needed the rest to take on Friday dinner and the weekend activities. Monday was a wash while I recuperated from the weekend. I'll be honest in saying I had mixed emotion concerning moving on.... happiness and joy!!:E:B Seriously though, I do miss them and I'm thankful for the regular contact by phone and Skype. I also realize that they have their own lives and routines, as well as other grandparents who are just as deserving of their time. Plus, I can return at anytime and visit for a month or 5. It's all good.:)