We have grandkids ranging from 17 mo (twins) to 19 years old. The two older girls spent a lot of time with use as they were growing up. The now have their own busy lives with college, jobs etc, so we see them around schedules in the summer. The younger grandkids 17 mo - 8 yrs old come to stay at various times thru the summer and we see them on shorter visits at their homes. The other grandkids (3 of them) are in Georgia. Their parents are missionaries and are usually in other countries. We see them every couple of years, but are not as close to them as the other because of their travels. We spend plenty of time with grandkids, but looked forward to the day when "we" could spend more time together and do what "we" wanted to do. Maybe selfish, but it's our turn now. We raised our children to be independent, and now it's their turn to raise their children. We love em all, but really enjoy just being a couple and not being Mom,Dad or Grandpa/Grandma everyday.