I'm nowhere near retirement age nor do I yet know if fulltiming is the life for us (family of 4). But, I do know that I really don't want to go back to Maryland at the end. However, my wife wasn't ready to let go of the house.
We decided on renting our house out. The rent basically covers the mortgage, taxes, insurance, and homeowners association fees.
Now, our big expense is storage. About $325/month to keep our stuff until we get off of the road. The initial plan is to fulltime for 14 months, do a trip criss-crossing the U.S. and then settle back into a S&B somewhere. We'll sit down at about the 1/2-way point and decide if we're going to continue fulltiming or stick to the plan and come off of the road. If we continue, we'll get rid of everything. If we decide that we'll end up coming off of the road, we'll have the stuff ready for us.