ependydad wrote:
The initial plan is to fulltime for 14 months, do a trip criss-crossing the U.S. and then settle back into a S&B somewhere. We'll sit down at about the 1/2-way point and decide if we're going to continue fulltiming or stick to the plan and come off of the road. If we continue, we'll get rid of everything. If we decide that we'll end up coming off of the road, we'll have the stuff ready for us.
Just my opinion but I really don't think you can see the country in 14 months and after 7 months decide if you want to continue. Also, if you don't want to go back to Maryland, you will not have lived in seasons in a possible place you might want to settle.
I would recommend not putting a timeframe on full-timing. That gives you an easy out and more pressure to go back to where you were.
When you keep the house and pay storage fees on all the stuff you will most likely return there. If you're sure that's what you want, fine. However, if you're thinking of settling somewhere else, you need to explore every area of the country. We settled in a place unknown to us 16 years prior. We never would have thought about living here had we not RVd in the area and really got to know it for many seasons.
Remember, there's a reason you want to full-time in the first place and mainly it's the freedom and exploring new areas. Just my thoughts.....