harold1946 wrote:
noplace2 wrote:
Cheap Heat. Hmm. $1200 to $1500 installed add-on and one still has to rely on shore power. Hmm
If we have shore power, we can accomplish the same goal with about $50 worth of ceramic heaters that we can place where they are needed and use less energy. Even though power seems "free" when included in a CG fee, we ALL end up paying for it one way or the other.
The DIY kit is less than $600. Anyone with the ability to read and follow instructions can install it.
Why not heat the whole coach evenly and not have to fool around with space heaters?
In my case the holding tanks are also heated through the ductwork, so no worries about freezing.
If there is a power loss at the pedestal it will automaticaly revert to LP.
There are advantages and disadvantages to everything, its up to the user as to what one wants to do.
My system has a front and a rear heat, would this still work for both or only one. We are having trouble keeping our RV warm here in WA without using up the propane, going trough 40 LBS in 5 or 6 days and that is with 2 space heaters only have 30 amps where were at so I cant use a 3rd.