Thanks to you all! Thats what i was hoping to hear- common sense is still alive in county governments in the US.
I also would love to be on a criminal jury (not civil cases, those are boring+). I have had several chances in my life:
1) FEDERAL Grand Jury (i was literally moving hundreds of miles away the next day and the clerk scratched me. i asked her to recommend me for the federal jury system where i was moving to and she laughed and told me that wasnt how it worked.
2) local DUI of a pos type. didnt get picked. i stayed and watched the trial. easy case. he was convicted.
3) local Home Invasion/Burglary with Intent to Commit ****. he pled out. and good dang thing for him that he did too from the looks of thing.
4) called locally 2/2020. Wuhan hit and have been in jury limbo ever since as courts are suspended here. i only have 2 more dates, both in Sept, that i can serve and it looks likely that isnt going to happen.