Forum Discussion

CFerguson's avatar
Aug 30, 2020

Jury Duty

I searched back into last year but didnt find any discussion on this so i thought i'd start a new thread.

Have any of you fulltimers been called for Jury Duty and how did that go. In my home county, they are VERY lenient with excuses, especially for older folks as they dont want anyone on the panels that are particularly grumpy to the point that it could affect their judgement/attention. All you have to do here is call them up and explain yourself and if it seems credible, theyll let you off. Sometimes they ask when you will be available and theyll call you then.

Anyone fulltiming ever get called for jury duty?
Anyone fulltiming ever try to talk your way out of it? Did it work?
  • Thanks to you all! Thats what i was hoping to hear- common sense is still alive in county governments in the US.

    I also would love to be on a criminal jury (not civil cases, those are boring+). I have had several chances in my life:
    1) FEDERAL Grand Jury (i was literally moving hundreds of miles away the next day and the clerk scratched me. i asked her to recommend me for the federal jury system where i was moving to and she laughed and told me that wasnt how it worked.
    2) local DUI of a pos type. didnt get picked. i stayed and watched the trial. easy case. he was convicted.
    3) local Home Invasion/Burglary with Intent to Commit ****. he pled out. and good dang thing for him that he did too from the looks of thing.
    4) called locally 2/2020. Wuhan hit and have been in jury limbo ever since as courts are suspended here. i only have 2 more dates, both in Sept, that i can serve and it looks likely that isnt going to happen.
  • As others have said - depends on where you live. Also depends on whether it's a local or federal court. In my neck of the woods the locals are easy going but the Feds are a different matter - hard to even get someone to answer the phone and have reputation for issuing bench warrants.
  • Wife got notice last year but was never called, we would have headed home if she was.
  • I have received one from S Dakota. All I had to do was contact them and advise I was a full-time rver. Excused.