Forum Discussion

oldsmoboat's avatar
Jul 15, 2019

Long Term RV Repairs

Just looking into full timing.

What/where do you do/stay when you need to have the RV in a shop for repairs. Especially something that might take a month or two?

  • Don't sign up for repairs that are going to take 2 weeks much less 2 months.
    Say something bad happens like you need a new transmission. Find a shop with a rebuilt one. They should be able to install it in 2 days tops. Stay in a motel nearby.
  • BB_TX wrote:
    DownTheAvenue wrote:
    No repair should take a month or two. ............

    But how many times have you seen someone here post about their RV being in the shop for x months waiting for repairs to be made? And the repair shop would not put it in their queue unless they left it at their shop?

    Easy to say just find another shop. But likely easier said than done depending on location.

    That's easy, just don't take it to Camping World.
  • The only legit long term repair I can imagine would be major accident repair- a lot of body/ structural work.
  • BB_TX wrote:
    DownTheAvenue wrote:
    No repair should take a month or two. ............

    But how many times have you seen someone here post about their RV being in the shop for x months waiting for repairs to be made? And the repair shop would not put it in their queue unless they left it at their shop?

    Easy to say just find another shop. But likely easier said than done depending on location.

    When I was full timing, I waited while repairs were done. Even had an axle replaced. For that I found a Dexter axle dealer, which was a utility trailer dealer, not a RV dealer.

    You are right, many dealers want you to leave your RV for months while they work on others. That is not a dealer that a full timer can do business with. But there are many dealers and service centers who do recognize the unique requirements of full timers and are willing to accommodate them.
  • I hadn't considered this an issue till I saw a video from a couple about why they stopped RVing. Just made me curious.
  • We've been on the road 9 years and have never had to leave our rig anywhere. Hope that doesn't change, but if it did, we would stay in a hotel. If it's as a result of an accident our insurance will reimburse us for the cost of the room and other extra expenses.
  • DownTheAvenue wrote:
    No repair should take a month or two. ............

    But how many times have you seen someone here post about their RV being in the shop for x months waiting for repairs to be made? And the repair shop would not put it in their queue unless they left it at their shop?

    Easy to say just find another shop. But likely easier said than done depending on location.
  • No repair should take a month or two. How long does it actually take to repair an appliance, or other RV components? Hours or maybe two days if a complicate slide out repair. Maybe 4 or 5 days if extensive body work and paint. So, worst case scenario is you would be in a hoel for a few days. Many shops will let you stay on premises while work is done, or wait in the lobby for a few hours while the work is done.
  • Never happened in 15 years. It's a situation I don't even want to think about. Buy good quality so the likelihood of that ever happening is at low as you can get it.

    Difficult to imagine anything that would take that long, except for your coach sitting there waiting for parts, or your rig just sitting there waiting its turn.