Forum Discussion

Darrah's avatar
Apr 11, 2013

Looks like I'll be going full-time.

Going Full-Time.

Greetings to all, we'll my house finally sold today well I accepted an offer today I should say.
And if the peoples credit and financing goes through I'll be moving out in late May 2013.

So this means the reality of doing this now seems so much more real and a little scary as well.

So now comes the time to really start purging things.... Just wanted to share.
  • "So this means the reality of doing this now seems so much more real and a little scary as well"

    Just wait until your south for the winter enjoying blue skies and margarita's or you notice all the extra money you have in your account at the end of the month that was being eaten alive by the ol' sticks n' bricks!
  • Ok, tonight got all the paper work signed.
    And my official last day here is May 30

    Thanks for all the encouragement!
  • Have a blast.... you've had good advise, enjoy (and have a back-up plan, and a back-up/back-up plan).
  • Congratulations on your house sale/offer acceptance. You will have some stressful days ahead , but in no time at all you will be looking back going -- can't believe it's been 2 years already. That's us, and we love it. Best decision we ever made!
  • Congrats! My 2 cents, try not to keep a storage unit, but it there are things you just can't part with put them in storage and re-evaluate after the 1st year. We had a storage unit for 6 1/2 years because we couldn't get rid of the antiques, finally, the daughter moved into a bigger house and wanted them, yippee. $104/month X 6 1/2 years = don't want to know. Don't be scared, it's a great life. Hope you love it as much as we do, we hope to travel for 20 more years.